BattleBlock Theater is a comedy platform game developed by The Behemoth and published by consisting of various Adventure and Arena levels, and uploaded to the community for others to download. Slant Magazine gave the PC version four stars out of five, saying, "With so many amusing ways to live and die, the
1 Jul 2016 You are here. Home»Fixes»PC»BattleBlock Theater»BattleBlock Theater v20160626 All No-DVD [Prophet] BattleBlock Theater is a comedy platform game developed by The Behemoth and published by consisting of various Adventure and Arena levels, and uploaded to the community for others to download. Slant Magazine gave the PC version four stars out of five, saying, "With so many amusing ways to live and die, the Battle Block Theater is a video game developed by The Behemoth for Xbox Save this level to a USB 'Memory Unit'; Turn off Xbox and plug USB into PC Be careful where you are downloading it from and pay close attention during install. 3 Apr 2013 You've just unlocked the door to BattleBlock Theater! There's no turning back once you've started on your quest to free your imprisoned friends You've just unlocked the door to BattleBlock Theater! There's no turning back once you've started on your quest to free your imprisoned friends from evil Check if your PC can run the game with our free, easy-to-use detection tool or enter your system manually. Can I Run It? BattleBlock Theater will run on PC system with Windows XP and upwards. Additionally it has Download. : Via Steam
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